Top-Seal (Terra Pave) Cool Pavement (TPSA Cool Pavement) is a derivative of the Terra Pave Solar Albedo™ product for cooling pavements, also known as reflective or high-albedo pavements, refer to surfaces that reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat compared to traditional darker pavements. These pavements are designed to mitigate the urban heat island effect and contribute to sustainable urban development. Pavements with TSA Cool Pavement have shown to be at least 18 degrees F cooler than traditional black top asphalt pavements. Tests have shown with the Department of Transportation of Nevada, USA that TPSA Cool Pavement mitigate urban heat island effect reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat, resistance to moisture significantly exceeds Environmental Protection Agency standards.
TPSA Cool Pavement is important for cities, towns, villages because:
* Urban Heat Island Mitigation
* Makes the roads/pavements Cooler 18+ degree F or more - Download PDF Nevada DOT test of TPSA Cool Pavement
* Energy Saving for the entire city
* Improves Air Quality
* Improves Health and Comfort for the entire city
* Maximize back side production of Bi-Facial Solar Panels in Car Port Canopy Solar
* Preserves existing Asphalt/Chip Seal
* Seals current roads/pavements from Water Penetration to sub-soil
* Extends the Life of the roads/pavements +6 years depending on the traffic
* Improves Traction and Shorten Braking distance
* When cured roads/pavements have a grayish-white color* and 100% Eco-Friendly
* Climate Change Adaption
TPSA Cool Pavement is a polymer-based emulsion that requires water dilution. It is non-petroleum-based and eco-friendly, evaporating only water during the curing process and emitting no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It does not contain solvents or cause damage to solar farm equipment, roads or vehicles. It is easily applied, requiring no special equipment or handling procedures.
Urban Heat Island explanation and mitigations - Terra Pave Cool Pavement
TPSA Cool Pavement is a product to cool down urban development. TPSA Cool Pavement has high reflection of sunlight and absorb less heat compare to traditional concrete and asphalt pavements.
TPSA Cool Pavement product (Gray-Whiteish Color) is to cool down the temperature of any city by covering the asphalt roads, pavements with our Terra Cool Pavement product. TPSA Cool Pavement product is cured and dry approximately 7.5 hours after placement. It has great surface strength and is ready for traffic and reflects the heat from the sun. Click on the video image below to learn Urban Island Heating issues from PBS.
*Terra Pave Cool Pavement (TPCP) is a water-based polymer. Water-based dries really fast. When TPCP is applied on the darker asphalt pavement, there will be a gradient of grayish-white colors along the pavement. When the pavement has a slope, there will be run-off from the center to the edge thus there will be a gradient of grayish-white colors overlapping the run-off. There will also be overlapping of sprays, due to this overlapping of layers there will be a gradient of grayish-white colors due to the overlapping. This overlapping is due to many reasons: 1) we need to do some overlap of layers to cover the entire street width 2) There is a car or something parking on the street that we need to go around, on the curve turning from one street to another street, a roundabout, a culdesac, etc…
* We believe the most important reason for Terra Pave Cool Pavement is to mitigate URBAN ISLAND HEATING and protect the pavement from OXIDATION and WATER.
Terra Pave Solar Albedo™ Cool Pavements- Top Seal Solar Albedo (TSSA) Cool Pavements - for Pavements
I will recommend this TPSA Cool Pavement to Las Vegas Nevada City Works Department to cool residential streets.
Francis Allen-Palenske
CouncilWoman, LV NV USACongratulation for winning the WORLD TOP 10 Eco-Friendly Award in Lisbon, Portugal Thank You for the invention.
Stephanie Tella-Cruz
Civil EngineerTerra Pave Solar Albedo is the only product that is viable for the albedo application for bi-facial utilty scale solar farms.
Henrietta Jones
Solar EngineerTerra Pave Solar Albedo helped to lower the O&M costs and provided accurate production projection for our solar project.
Sarka Petrova
Solar DeveloperThis is the perfect product for our 150MW bi-facial solar farm in Jordan, cool down the solar farms = more energy and eco-friendly thanks.
Rodel Golez
BusinessmanTPSAlbedo has helped our solar project to lower O&M costs by controlling dust, no vegetation and control the erosion.
Ali Al-Mousaben
Solar EngineerThe City of Las Vegas summer temperature has cooled down thank you for using this eco-friendly Cool Pavement product.
Halley Johnson
BusinesswomanNEW CONSTRUCTION - base stabilizer, concrete replacment, parking lots, runway airfield, and much more...
NEW CONSTRUCTION - asphalt replacement, parking lots, runway airfield, and much more...
NEW CONSTRUCTION - prime coat, tack coat, seal coat, heat reflection, and much more...
ROAD MAINTENANCE - asphalt pavements preservation, chip seal, parking lots, and much more...
ROAD MAINTENANCE - Urban Heat Island Mitigation, protect existing pavement and much more...
SOLAR INDUSTRY - Albedo for Bi-facial solar farms, dust/vegetation/erosion control and much more...
ROOFING INDUSTRY - asphalt shingles, TPO, cement, clay tile roofs preservation, and much more...
AWARDED USA top 5 Fibonacci Finalist and top 1 winner of the Agricultural and Environmental category - Terra Pave products won top 1 in Agricultural and Environmental category out of over thousand of applicants for eco-friendly products in the USA in August 28, 2023.
Dr. Yetkin Yildirim (CEO/CTO TPI) & Mr. David Pham (CEO/CTO EEI) is going to be at the CADE Museum in Gainsville, Florida to accept the award.
AWARDED World Top 10 Finalists Nov 2021 at the WEBSUMMIT in Lisbon Portugal - Terra Pave products won top 10 finalists out of over +1000 applicants for eco-friendly products in the world in November 2021.
Dr. Yetkin Yildirim (CEO/CTO TPI) & Mr. David Pham (CEO/CTO EEI) and Mr. Carl Moss (COO EEI) accepted the award given by Energy De Portugal (EDP) and the team was invited to visit with the Mayor of Lisbon to discuss partnership for the roads maintenance contracts and new roads in Lisbon, Portugal.
Terra Pave products won top 10 finalists from the Renewable Energy Laboratory of the USA Department of Energy out of over +300 applicants for eco-friendly products in the USA in 2019-2020.
Dr. Yetkin Yildirim (CEO TPI)
& David Pham (CEO/CTO EEI) accepted the award given by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) USA Department of Energy (USA DoE). Read More HEROX